Life during the pandemic seems like a never-ending nightmare. Although humanity has managed to get its hand on not one but a couple of vaccines, the fight is far from over. Some people have so far been lucky enough to have never contracted the virus; however, not everyone’s been as fortunate. Many have, sadly, lost their lives, while loads are still undergoing the process of recovery and are eagerly awaiting some kind of a return to normalcy. For most, that also implies easing back into working out. However, as the body has gone through a stressful experience, returning to exercise after recovering from COVID-19 should undoubtedly be taken with caution.
Exercising after recovering from COVID-19
So many things remain a mystery when talking about the novel virus, yet, there is something that we do know. Exercising while SARS-CoV 2 positive is never a good idea! Medical professionals agree that people should wait at least a week after testing negative before attempting to get back to their workout regimes. However, the actual time varies, as not everyone heals from coronavirus at the same rate. This depends on different factors, such as:
- Age
- Previous medical conditions
- Medical conditions caused by SARS-CoV 2
- The severity of symptoms
- The strength of the immune system
Your doctor, and your doctor only, is the one capable of clearing you for a regular workout after recovering from COVID-19. Therefore, once you’ve spoken to him/her, you can plan your next steps. If located in Dubai, think about contacting Dubai Personal Trainers to help you get back on track when it comes to exercising. Your PT will tailor a plan that perfectly suits all your current needs.
For those of you who have been lucky enough not to have contracted the virus and are only reading this as a precaution, setting aside a time of day for working out is highly advisable. While regular exercising cannot guarantee you won’t become infected, it can certainly boost your immune system and increase your chances of having a shorter coronavirus recovery time if you were to catch it.

Gradually increase the intensity of training while recovering from Covid-19.
The coronavirus healing process can be a long one; therefore, it should come as no surprise that resuming physical activity will take some time, too. The current post-COVID-19 protocol says that a week after symptoms of the virus have disappeared, the majority of people can begin exercising at 50% of their previous capacity. During the second week, they can resume activities at 70%, following the third week during which activities are to be resumed at 80%. The fourth week marks the time when you can almost return to your regular regime, with the capacity being at 90%. After that, you should be able to continue doing everything you’ve done before the illness.
When returning to exercising, low-intensity workouts, such as walking or pilates, could be an ideal choice! If choosing the latter, make sure you engage in pilates with professional guidance to avoid possible injuries.

Your body knows best, so listen to it carefully.
What if you’ve decided to start exercising but realize you’ve still not fully gotten better? Stop whatever it is you’re doing and listen to your body! It’s telling you it isn’t ready yet and that’s OK. You can still do plenty of things to ensure proper COVID-19 recovery.
Coronavirus survivors should focus on their overall well-being and prioritize things such as getting enough sleep, drinking lots of fluids, and consuming a wide range of fruit and vegetables. Until capable of working out, these are the best bet when good health is concerned.
Take time to rest
Sufficient rest is crucial while recovering from any illness, and the same principle can be applied when talking about the coronavirus. If you’ve continued exercising after a break, make sure not to overdo it. Don’t go back to training every single day straight away. Instead, plan your workouts so that there is at least one rest day in between them. This should give your body and muscles a chance to restore themselves. Considering you’ve just recently returned to health after COVID-19; bear in mind that the whole post-workout healing could take a bit longer.
Compare your before and after coronavirus vitals.
If you’re no stranger to exercising, chances are you’ve been monitoring your vitals even before getting infected. Now is no time to stop! When returning to exercise after recovering from COVID-19, keeping an eye on your heart rate and breathing could be more crucial than ever! The novel virus impacts the cardiovascular system and can cause further issues even in those with no history of cardiac malfunctions. It can also leave permanent marks on the lungs, thus causing breathing difficulties.
With that in mind, if possible, try comparing your statistics before recovering from coronavirus and those after recuperation. You’ll be able to tell whether the disease has caused any damages and adjust your training program accordingly. In case you notice your heart rate increasing significantly, consider toning down the intensity of your workouts. If you find yourself feeling breathless more than usual, pause and go back to doing less demanding exercises.

Think positively
It’s no use to think negatively and stress about not performing the same way as you did before. Your whole immune system was and still is compromised, so not having the same energy levels is totally understandable. Instead of brooding, appreciate all the fitness progress you are making daily and improve your immunity by enhancing your overall lifestyle.
While returning to exercise after recovering from COVID-19 can, in some cases, be an extremely long and exhausting process, the improvement is bound to come eventually! All it takes is a bit of patience. Baby steps, so to speak. Besides, once you have fully adapted to your previous workout regime (and you will!); you’ll be happy you didn’t rush it and risk relapsing.